Felony Drug Charge Reduced to Misdemeanor

July 23, 2024: Wrentham District Court
  • Possess w/ Intent to Distribute Class B: Cocaine
Result:Attorney Riccio negotiated a plea deal with the DA’s Office that included reducing the felony drug charge to a misdemeanor possession charge. Per the terms of the plea agreement, Attorney Riccio’s client was placed on probation for one year.

Felony Charges Dismissed at Trial

June 26, 2024: BMC- East Boston
  • A&B w/ Dangerous Weapon
  • Malicious Damage to Motor Vehicle
Result:Attorney Riccio was able to get the prosecution to dismiss the case at trial after getting the alleged victim to admit he knew the client did not commit the crime alleged but wouldn't tell the prosecution unless the client paid him $2,500.00.

No Sexual Assault Charges After Police Investigation

May 2024
Result:Attorney Riccio was retained by an individual under investigation for sexually assaulting a co-worker. Based on the client’s adamant denial of the allegations, Attorney Riccio immediately initiated an independent investigation and obtained text messages showing the accuser continued to contact the accused after the alleged sexual assault. After providing copies of the text messages to the police, no criminal charges were filed.

No Criminal Charges after Federal & State Investigation

March 22, 2024
Result:Attorney Riccio was retained by a member of law enforcement after learning he was being investigated for criminal charges related to an alleged coverup of a possible crime committed by another officer. After a nearly two-year long investigation by state & federal authorities, no criminal charges were brought against Attorney Riccio's client.

Not Guilty on Both Counts

March 6, 2024: Wrentham District Court
  • OUI-Liquor
  • Negligent Operation
Result:Not Guilty on both counts after jury trial.

OUI/DUI Charges Dismissed

February 2, 2024: Uxbridge District Court
  • OUI-Liquor
  • Negligent Operation of Motor Vehicle
Result:Case dismissed after Motion to Suppress was allowed
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